Post Tagged with: "terrorite de Nice"

Police officers and rescue workers stand near a van that ploughed into a crowd leaving a fireworks display in the French Riviera town of Nice on July 14, 2016.
The mayor of the French city of Nice said dozens of people were likely killed after a van rammed into a crowd marking Bastille Day in the French Riviera resort today and urged residents to stay indoors.
 / AFP / VALERY HACHE        (Photo credit should read VALERY HACHE/AFP/Getty Images)

Le terroriste de Nice était peut-être homosexuel !

Déséquilibré. Radicalisé. Gay ? C’est la question que se posent les enquêteurs. Et celui qui vient le révéler est un média de la mouvance Lgbt, Pink News, qu’on ne peut donc suspecter d’homophobie. Sur le smartphone du terroriste Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel[Read More…]

by 18 août 2016 6 comments Brève

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