Post Tagged with: "Kyiv Post"

Pro-Russian rebels guard captives, Ukrainian servicemen, prior to their exchange in the small Ukrainian town of Schastya, Lugansk region on October 29, 2015. Ukrainian armed forces and pro-Russian insurgents on Thursday exchanged 20 prisoners in a goodwill gesture designed to get peace talks in the 18-month crisis back on track. The swap took weeks to organise and was the first of its kind since September 8. The pro-Russian eastern militia handed over eight Ukrainian soldiers and one civilian in neutral territory in the predominantly separatist Lugansk province under the watchful eye of observers from the  Red Cross. AFP PHOTO / ALEKSEY FILIPPOV

Analyse des élections régionales en Ukraine par Xavier Moreau

  Photo: Des Novorusses surveillent des volontaires ukrainiens détenus juste avant un échange de prisonniers à Schastya, dans la région de Lougansk, le 29 octobre 2015. Xavier Moreau est installé en Russie depuis 14 ans. Il est l’auteur de la « Nouvelle Grande[Read More…]

by 31 octobre 2015 41 comments International, Russie, Ukraine

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